Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence two cutting-edge technologies that are increasingly being looked at, adopted, and invested in. This article discusses these two technologies.

What is Artificial Inteligence?

Artificial inteligence is ability of system or machine analyze data, learn, and perform task that previously required human inteligence. Artificial intelligence was developed through machine learning, which models the neural networks of the human brain and recognizes patterns in the collected data.

Artificial intelligence is used many areas human life, including personalization of content, the role of personal assistant, and optimization of customer experience. However, the scope of application of artificial intelligence is often very narrow.

Areas of Application of AI Technology

Let's discuss some of the areas where AI has already made many changes and where more changes are expected in the future.

Navigation. ai can analyze data to determine the best route, calculate approximate time it will take for that route, and provide guidance as the user moves. Autopilots can also make their own decisions in a variety of situations, reducing the potential for human error and making travel safer.

Medical. Artificial intelligence can analyze medical scans and test results to make diagnoses.

Voice Assistants. Most people will be familiar with Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa. These artificial intelligences can recognize speech, analyze what you say, and run errands and conversations for the user.

Video games. If a cooperative player or team cannot be found, an AI can play along; AI can often perform this task as well as an actual human. According to recent news, OpenAI engineers trained AI to play Minecraft, showing 2,000 hours of gameplay to a neural network via keystrokes.

Ads. the AI learns the user's wants, interests, past purchases, and lifestyle and can recommend ads that best suit the user's potential desires.

There are many other specialized applications and areas where AI only recently begun to be used. For example, Amazon's recently released "CodeWhisperer" neural network provide advice on how to write program code.

Projects Using AI and Blockchain Technology

There are many contacts for the co-application of blockchain and AI in various fields, and many projects are under serious consideration.

This project decided to apply blockchain and AI technology the coffee supply chain. Artificial intelligence adjusts the process growing coffee beans weather conditions and determine quality. The data collected at each stage of the supply chain is stored in the blockchain and cannot be changed hacked again. In this way, entire coffee journey can be properly tracked and monitored.

BurstIQ has released a health wallet service focused the healthcare sector. This service provides users with a network to share health data and treatments. Patients can share this data with medical professionals research specific diseases treatments.

Blackbird Artificial Intelligence (Blackbird.AI). This project combines two technologies combat fake news and hate speech. Artificial intelligence verifies and classifies information for validity, and once verified, content is stored on the blockchain. The joint application of blockchain and artificial intelligence in various fields has many points of contact, and some projects are seriously considering this.

This project decided to apply blockchain and AI technology the coffee supply chain. Artificial intelligence adjusts the coffee bean cultivation process to weather conditions and determines quality. The data obtained each stage of the supply chain is stored in the blockchain and cannot be changed or hacked again.

BurstIQ is launching a health wallet service focused the healthcare sector, providing users with a network for sharing health data and treatments. Patients can share this data with healthcare professionals to research specific diseases and treatment techniques.

Blackbird Artificial Intelligence (Blackbird.AI). This project combines two technologies combat fake news and hate speech.

To summarize

In conclusion, blockchain and AI are a perfect combination of complementary technologies and can be used in many different areas. Successful projects utilizing this combination already exist and more are on the way.


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