In the world of Forex trading, there are many companies that promise quick enrichment and high profits. However, not all of them can be considered reliable and honest. One of such companies is Traffinet - a fraudulent organization, which is engaged in deceiving traders and illegal activities in the Forex market.

Why Traffinet is a scammer?

Traffinet attracts clients with its promises of high profits and low commissions. However, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that this is a scam. The company uses various manipulations and falsifications to confuse traders and force them to make unfavorable trades.

One of the main problems with Traffinet is its lack of proper license and registration. It does not confirm its legitimacy and does not provide any documents to prove its right to provide financial services. This is a clear violation of the law and indicates that Traffinet is a fraudulent organization.

Traffinet website

Traffinet's website is also suspicious. It has many technical problems such as slow loading pages, chart display errors and incorrect display of quotes. Moreover, the site lacks information about the company, its registration and contact details. These are additional signs that Traffinet is a scammer hiding its true identity.

The terms and conditions of working with Traffinet also raise serious concerns. The company offers questionable methods of financial transactions, such as using dubious checking accounts and e-wallets. It also applies withdrawal fees and automatically closes positions without warning the trader. These are clear signs that the company is fraudulent and not serious.

Traffinet reviews from traders

If you look at the trader reviews about Traffinet, it is clear that this is a fraudulent organization. Many traders complain about the inability to withdraw their funds from the account, the failure to fulfill promises and the low professionalism of the company's employees. This is further evidence that Traffinet is a scammer that cannot be trusted.


Based on the analysis and information from traders, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - Traffinet is a fraudulent organization. It does not have proper licenses and registration, offers dubious working conditions and cheats traders. Therefore, before cooperating with such a company, it is recommended to consult with professionals and read the reviews of other traders.


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