The European Union is pressuring Asian countries follow its lead on artificial intelligence and introduce new rules for technology companies, including disclosure copyrighted information and content created by artificial intelligence, senior EU and Asian officials said.

The EU and its member states have sent officials to discuss artificial intelligence rules with at least 10 Asian countries, including India, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Philippin.

The EU hopes the proposed AI law wil become global standard for the new technology, just data protection laws have helped shape global privacy standards.

However, according to seven people close to the project, attempts to convince Asian governments the need for strict new rules have met with little enthusiasm.

Many countries prefer to "wait and see" or adopt more flexible regulatory regimes.

One official said Singapore, one of Asia leading technology centers, wants to see how the technology develops before imposing local rules. Officials Singapore and the Philippine have expressed concern that regulating too hastily could stall AI innovation.

Southeast Asian countrie have been developing voluntary guidelines over the past month, while Japan is seeking more flexible rules than the rigid approach taken by the European Union. That's because Japan wants to use the technology boost economic growth and become a leader in advanced microchips.

The Asian effort is part of a global initiative that European countries are negotiating with Canada, Turkey, Israel and others.

The initiative is linked to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Union last month.

The rise of artificial intelligence has been called a game-changing technology that will usher in an era of rapid technological advancement and revolutionize all aspects of human life, but it has also been called an existential crisis.

In June, EU lawmakers passed landmark legislation requiring companies such as OpenAI, which operates the ChatGPT service, to provide information about content created by artificial intelligence, distinguish fakes from real images and prevent illegal content.

The legislation, which would impose financial penaltie for violations, has met with resistance from businesses, with 160 senior executives signing a letter last month warning that it could jeopardize competitiveness, investment and innovation in Europe.

But EU officials, who have signed digital partnership agreement with Japan, South Korea and Singapore, are optimistic that they will be able to find common ground with their international partners promote cooperation on technology, including artificial intelligence.

"We share the same values," EU Industry Comissioner Thierry Breton told Reuters during a visit South Korea and Japan discuss artificial intelligence and semiconductor.

Speaking about the regulation of artificial intelligence in the EU and Japan, Breton said: "I don't think we are too far apart because we share common values."

In May, the G7 (G7) leaders - Canada, the EU, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US - called for the adoption standards create "trustworthy" AI and the creation of ministerial forum called the Hiroshima AI Process.

In May, the leaders of the G7 (G7) countries - Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Italy, Canada, France, Japan and the European Union - called the adoption of standards create "trustworthy" artificial intelligence and the creation of a ministerial forum called the "Hiroshima AI Process."

After the meeting in Brittany, a South Korean official said Seoul will continue discuss AI regulation with the EU, but is more interested in what the G7 is doing.

The EU plans to use the upcoming G20 meeting to further global AI cooperation, especially with India, which will hold the G20 presidency in 2023.


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